Monday, January 21, 2008

The Glory of humility

I’ve been working hard lately, getting things in place to send my book out to agents (more info on that soon). As I contemplate the likely ensuing cycle of anticipation, rejection, interest, disappointment and excitement, I’ve decided to prepare not just my pitch but also my state of mind.

This has led me to consider the practice of humility as a way of staying centered.

Humility brings me to some of my core truths, to wit: my best work comes through when I get out of the way; unwelcome outcomes often become beloved teachers; and I may only ever participate in a situation, never control it.

So then, how to stay humble when my mind swings between delusions of grandeur and fear of dismal failure? What brings me to that centering humility?

I am humbled by the people who love me, because their love reminds me I need not be anyone special; irregular old me is fine, best in fact.

I am humbled by the presence into which I pray.

I am humbled by the syncronicity that brings a friend to whisper in my ear the very words I most needed the very moment I read them, in an email written days before.

I am humbled by the miracle of being alive.

When I enter this space, gratitude follows like bright shadow. When I feel humble, everything feels like a gift.

What brings you a peaceful sense of humility? Does anything? Any suggestions on staying sane at times like these?

1 comment:

  1. Frustrated at not having the right Google account, i'll go by anonymous, but for you - I'm your sister (in-law). I am so terribly exhilarated, happy and proud to read your blog - it is beauty upon beauty!

    The pieces are so complete in and of themselves and so full of essence. Truly inspirational!
