I’m dreading voting day. Or rather, the day after. Will there be that cataclysmic disappointment, that same wondering who-the-hell-are-my-fellow-Americans as there was back in ’04?
In anticipation, I’ve done some soul-searching.
In my life today, there are some very wonderful people who I know are going to vote republican. This does not change my affection for them. I’m disturbed by the faceless masses, the ones ‘out there,’ the alleged 36 or 48 or 52 percent of Americans who think McCain/Palin is the way to go.
Just as I may be disturbing them.
I’m voting for Obama because of his interest in civil rights, that is, for example, early childhood education, legal abortion, legislation for gays. I think the world is a better place when women can trust they are covered for the 1% their birth control fails, where children can read and count and where people are encouraged to love.
This may be as crazy as voting for someone because of gun control, or the life of an embryo, or fear of terrorism.
I’m voting for the leader who makes me feel more safe and more free than the other.
Isn’t that what we are all doing?
If I can keep that in heart and mind, maybe this time I will stay whole when we learn which way the country is divided. Neither too glum, nor too gleeful, as the case may be. Rather, ready to build bridges. To somewhere. (wink)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
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ReplyDeleteHere a few reasons from NOW that speak to why I am voting for Obama:
IMPORTANT NEWS FROM N.O.W. about Sarah (Who..is...Sarah???????)
FYI, The National Organization for Women has endorsed the Obamba-Biden ticket for just the reasons listed below. They usually do not endorse, but in this case believed it was absolutely necessary to take a stand. if you agree, please pass this on.
Women and Sarah Palin
We are writing to you because of the fury and dread we have felt since the announcement of Sarah Palin as the Vice-Presidential candidate for the Republican Party. We believe that this terrible decision has surpassed mere partisanship, and that it is a dangerous farce on the part of a pandering and rudderless Presidential candidate that has a real possibility of becoming fact.
Perhaps like us, as American women, you share the fear of what Ms. Palin and her professed beliefs and proven record could lead to for ourselves and for our present or future daughters. To date, she is against sex education, birth control, the pro-choice platform, environmental protection, alternative energy development, freedom of speech, gun control, the separation of church and state,and polar bears. To say nothing of her complete lack of real preparation to become the second-(and possibly first)-most-powerful person on the planet.
We want to clarify that we are not against Sarah Palin as a woman, a mother, or, for that matter, a parent of a pregnant teenager, but solely as a rash, incompetent, and altogether devastating choice for Vice President. Ms. Palin's political views are in every way a slap in the face to the accomplishments that our mothers and grandmothers and great-grandmothers so fiercely fought for, and from which we've so demonstrably benefited.
First and foremost, Ms. Palin does not represent us. She does not demonstrate or uphold our interests as American women. It is presumed that the inclusion of a woman on the Republican ticket could win over women voters.
We want to disagree, publicly. If you agree that Palin is an irresponsible, even dangerous, choice for VP, please consider participating in this drive. Gentlemen, send this to the women you know and care for. I know it's tough to understand the way this choice is impacting women, but I have never seen so many women so outraged, angry and distraught in my entire life. We'd like our voices heard.
If you agree, PLEASE FORWARD WIDELY! If you send this to 20 women in the next hour,you could be blessed with a country that takes your concerns? seriously.Stranger things have happened.
Hi Ange,
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment -- I agree with you (and NOW) entirely, but my purpose here was not to promote one candidate or another, but to find ways to live in peace with the people with whom I disagree so vehemently.
During an election such as this one, it is hard for me to accept that the choice is not "obvious" to everyone. How do I live graciously and generously side-by-side with my fellow planet-dwellers who see the world so differently from me?
You see, I do believe that the choice of Palin for VP was/is grossly irresponsible. Yet I do not wish to live with scorn in my heart for those who embrace her. Does that make sense?