Friday, October 17, 2008

p.s. it’s the economy stupid

To clarify, the previous entry was in no way an attempt to prove that Obama is the better candidate. I know that economic policy choices will make an enormous difference in how the next administration affects our country. I also know that I don’t sufficiently understand our economy, or what it needs, to make a good determination along those lines. I am voting based on what I do know and understand.

That’s the idea: everyone is voting that way.

That’s my common ground with people whose politics appall me. Holding to that perspective keeps me from being so angry or anxious.

That’s what beauty does for me, and that’s what I’m doing here, trying to find the beauty.

Comments welcome, as always.


  1. Thank you so much for these posts. I find this comforting, this compassion for my american brothers and sisters with whom I so strongly disagree. xoxo

  2. Hello Valerie,

    Your words are full of wisdom. It just seem to me whoever will be the next president, economic policies will remain in the hands of some "spin doctors". None of them has ever pilot a nation economy. Only the human approach can make the difference.
    But view from the other side of the Atlantic, beauty and grace appears to be concentrated on one candidate.

  3. Thank you Lauren and Philippe for these comments. We're all sharing this one life, however strange we seem to each other at times.

    That said, it's good to have folks around like you, familiar and warming kindred spirits.
