Thursday, December 20, 2007

I am not the walrus

I dreamt recently of going to the beach with friends, only to find the water dense with walruses! I longed to swim but wasn't sure how to go about it. A few women walked by, dripping wet. I asked them, 'How did you do it?' One answered me, 'Just go on in. There are so many of them, they don't see one or two of us as a threat.'

I've never dreamed of walruses before. My favorite shamanic animal website noted that walruses are about group living. That's when I got it: as I prepare to launch my book, I needn't to worry about the crowded waters. There is room for me. Other women have done this already.

Hats off to them, the list is blessedly long. A few who come to mind this morning, from recent encounters: the fabulous artist Judy Chicago whose Dinner Party has found a home at the Brooklyn Museum. Margaret Starbird went out on a limb to bring us much of the real scholarship used in The Da Vinci Code. The old-world woman at the gym with pinned up hair and faded pink sweater, who told me triumphantly when I admired her bright red patent leather boots, 'I don't try no more to be who my children like me to be.'

I think too of another mother, somewhat more famous, who helped her daughter Muktar Mai risk everything, telling her, 'Someone has to be the first drop of rain.'

I would add: No matter how many walruses are in the water.


  1. I love your dream. This is important for all artists to remember. It is difficult when surrounded by male egos. Maybe they are the walruses? In my life they are!

  2. Thank you Eve! Keep swimming anyway, the water's warm and they don't bite.

  3. I am hoping to quote the woman in the red boots. when I truly give up wanting to be all my children want me to be. I know they still strive to make me proud of them. But sometimes we need to say and do the unexpected. I suspect we all truly long that one another are happy. Reading your blog made me happy. Keep on. Linda
